ICT60220 - Advance Diploma of Information Technology

ICT60220 - Advance Diploma of Information Technology 

CRICOS Course Code: 115111D - Advance Diploma of Information Technology

Course Information

Delivery ModeCampus LocationsDuration
Face to face and Independent research and self-paced study28- 34 Old Cleveland Road Stones
Corner, QLD 4120
CRICOS duration is: 98 weeks (82 training weeks 1968 hours + 16 weeks of break period depending on semester started)

Course Overview

This qualification reflects the role of a technical specialist with high level skills and knowledge in telecommunications and information technology networks using internet protocol (IP) systems who can:

  • Design and manage IP based network telecommunications equipment.
  • Forecast network growth for enterprise network planning.
  • Implement convergence technologies in enterprise telecommunications       networks.
  • Design and manage optical and wireless network telecommunications       architectures for high-speed broadband capability

Career Opportunities

Once students have successfully completed this course various jobs within the telecommunications industry may include:

  • Optical Network Manager,
  • Senior Specialist Technician (Telecommunications),
  • Telecommunications Technical Officer,
  • Senior Technical Officer (Telecommunications Engineering),
  • Telecommunications Engineer,
  • IP Convergence Integrator,
  • Senior Technical Officer (Electronic Technology).

Units of Competency

Core subjects

BSBCRT611Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving
BSBTWK502Manage team effectiveness
BSBXCS402Promote workplace cyber security awareness and best practices
ICTICT608Interact with clients on a business level
ICTICT618Manage IP, ethics, and privacy in ICT environments
ICTSAD609Plan and monitor business analysis activities in an ICT environment

Electives subjects

ICTNPL413 Evaluate networking regulations and legislation for the telecommunications industry
ICTNWK612 Plan and manage troubleshooting advanced integrated IP networks
ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning
ICTTEN615 Manage network traffic
ICTTEN622 Produce ICT network architecture designs
BSBLDR523 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships
ICTDBS605 Develop knowledge management strategies
ICTICT523 Gather data to identify business requirements
BSBLDR601 Lead and manage organisational change
ICTICT819 Lead analysis of information and communications technology business strategy

Note: Electives may change, all relevant persons are advised of any changes.

Training Package has no entry requirements


RTO ENTRY REQUIREMENTS include the following points:
1- Documents – International Students

All documents must be submitted in English with your application.

2- Age Requirements:

All students must be aged 18 years or over at the time of applying for admission to the College.

3- Academic Requirements:

Satisfactory completion of studies in applicant’s home country equivalent to an Australian Year 12 qualification is required for entry into this course.

4- English Language/Literacy/Numeracy requirements:

We accept admission to the students if they qualify in ANYONE (1) of the following:

The table below shows the English language test providers including information on English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) and the minimum overall band scores student must achieve to meet the Student visa English language requirement.

English language test providersMinimum test ScoreMinimum test score with either 10 weeks of ELICOS, Foundation Standard program or Pathway programMinimum test score with either 20 weeks ELICOS or Foundation Extended program
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
TOEFL internet-based test (only accepted if test is taken on or before 25 July 2023) *644635
Cambridge English: Advanced (Certificate in Advanced English) **169162154
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic)504236

Source : https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/student-500#Eligibility.

5- Identify the Language Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) needs of the students:

LLN assessment is available at Achievers College ‘Learn to Excell’ Training and Assessment is committed to supporting all our students in successfully completing their selected course of study. National research consistently indicates that many students will require some level of LLN support.

As such, we recognize that we have a responsibility to understand each student’s unique LLN needs. Our desire is to identify any LLN needs that students may have as a student and to assist them in reducing the impact this may have on their studies with Achievers College ‘Learn to Excell’.

Therefore, student is compulsory undertake LLN Assessment, which is to ensure that we confirm the learning needs of our participants prior to commencement of the training.

6- Computers

Students need to have their own computer or tablet which they will be using during training. Software such as word, excel and current email is required.  For any further enquiry regarding this please contact the college to discuss.

Achievers College ‘Learn to Excell’ grants you credit towards your course for units of competency that you have already completed with another RTO or authorised issuing organisations.

There is no charge to apply for Credit.

To apply, fill in the Credit Application Form and submit it as part of your enrolment.  Must include your qualifications with your application. This must be in English.

*Please refer to your Student Prospectus for more information on Course Credit. As an international student you should note that where you are granted credit this will reduce your course duration, and you will be informed of this in writing.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process where skills and knowledge that you have gained through work and life experience and other unrecognised training can be formally recognised.

Achievers College ‘Learn to Excell’ has a process that has been structured to minimise the time and cost to applicants and provides a supportive approach to students wishing to take up this option. You should ideally apply for RPL at the time of enrolment, but you may also apply up to 2 weeks into your course. 

During the entry process and interview stage Achievers College ‘Learn to Excell’ will discuss with you the process and options for RPL. Suitability is often determined on how much experience you have in a certain area, your work history and previous training. If RPL is determined as a possibility for you, you will be provided with a kit that will guide you in working through each unit to determine relevant skills and experience and identify whether you would be able to provide the required documentary evidence in English.

A trainer/assessor will be available to assist you throughout this process.

*Please refer to your Student Prospectus for more information on RPL. As an international student you should note that where you are granted RPL this will reduce your course duration, and you will be informed of this in writing.

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